Works Cited - A Cummerbund 1889 Mourning Ad. Digital image. Art of Mourning. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2014.Bingham-Gutierrez, Kari. “Bodice Tag.” 2014. JPEG file.Burtis Butler, Karen. Living On The Dewey Ranch: A Young Girl's Perspective. 2006. VF. Konza Prairie, History of: Manhattan, Kansas.Four Generations: Seasons Greetings. N.d. Photograph. Morse Department of Special Collections, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.Kansas State University. Royal Purple. Student Publications, Inc.: 1916. Read more about Works Cited - A Cummerbund
Cultural Context - A Cummerbund A woman with an extremely tiny wai Read more about Cultural Context - A Cummerbund