The Chapman Center supports research that strengthens rural communities while advancing student learning. The digital exhibits within this collection are supported by our generous endowment from Mark Chapman. This project is sponsored by the National Endowment for Humanities with additional support from Cheryl Mellenthin. We want to thank NEH and Cheryl for their continued confidence in the Chapman Center. We are truly thankful to be able to serve as the connecting pieces in the puzzle of Kansas History.
To discover more about our digital projects, please choose one from the list below:
The Kansas Land Treaties Project is a public resource for educators, students, and the public to learn more about how Kansas went from the ancestral homeland of Indigenous nations to a state within the United States. This project is in process and will change over the next several years. Remember to…
Explore the Treaties
History of Autograph BooksAutograph albums are important primary documents that give us insights into women’s history, social classes, and insights into social networks prior to more recent technological revolutions. Previous researchers have used autograph albums to examine social movements, and…
Examine the Autograph Books
Down a country road near the South East Kansas town of Rago, one will find an old run down, seemingly unremarkable farm. On the land, there are the typical structures of a white farmhouse, a red barn, and a small chicken coop. However, there are two buildings on this farm that are not average whatsoever…
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Kansas State University has supported an active, regionally recognized archaeology program since the 1960s. Archaeology faculty have placed high importance on creating valuable opportunities for student learning. These include field and lab courses that provide hands-on experience in archaeological…
This research collection is a digital archive featuring rural Kansas, history, and people conducted by undergraduate students at Kansas State University since 2010 exclusively for the Chapman Center for Rural Studies.
Uncover the Lost Communities
Support for this website was obtained by NEH Challenge Grant CHA-284413-22 (2022-2024). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.