In 2017, the Chapman Center for Rural Studies project proposal was the only project in Kansas funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The Chapman Center was awarded a $100,000 Humanities Access Grant to help rural historical societies and museums in Kansas with professional planning in collections, preservation, and programming. The two-year project helped develop plans for success in small Kansas museums. It also had a powerful impact in solidifying local identity.
Four Kansas State University graduate students were selected. They were trained as consultants with tools in museum planning as well as management and civic discourse. These funded graduate students worked with these 8 unique Kansas pilot organizations to develop plans for fundraising, exhibitions, public programming, and preservation. One of the program outcomes was the development of highly skilled, capable young men and women who are prepared to help other rural communities as professionals, as leaders and community activists.
To view the communities selected, visit our Pilot Communities page. The programs were selected based on a balance of the needs of the museums with the time and talents of the graduate students. The primary work was museum planning through implementation of the American Association for State and Local History's Standards and Excellence Program for History Organizations (StEPS).
NEH funds were matched by the Chapman Center, provided by charitable gifts to Kansas State University via the Kansas State University Foundation.