The autograph albums show friendships and relationships within the 19th century, allowing for these bonds to always be remembered, despite distance. Relationships were quite different in the ways that they were sustained compared to the way relationships are upkept now. These books emphasize the importance of the friendships women built with one another and how their notes to one another also spread the winds of change with gender roles.
The autograph albums give way to women’s literary culture and how that impacted social spheres of the time. These spheres, whether the women knew they were making waves of change or not, show the incredible movement of societal norms in primary historical documents. Women’s history and their ability to challenge society are written within many of their inscriptions. This project gives another layer of evidence to trace the progressive movement of women’s history, during the time period in which the earliest feminist movements were beginning and women were challenging society to be more than what was ever thought possible.